
Above, Annapolis Maryland! The beautiful starting point of this year's Religious Freedom Pilgrimage!





The Camino Awaits!....

The Religious Freedom Walk 2016 from Annapolis, MD to Ocean City, MD, is a demonstration of Faith to those who see us marching, of Catholics, other Christians, and all interested in civil liberties to stand up for their rights which are being threatened by the government, and to inspire others to action, prayer and penitential exercise of our Faith .

This year we will be Pilgrimaging along the beautiful Eastern Shore! Join us as we witness for Christ and for freedom!
You can support
us by prayer, financial support (to make a donation see button on right hand side of this page.

This Pilgrimage in all phases and forms is dedicated to the protection of children and youth in accordance with the Archdiocese of Baltimore's STAND Polices.Chaperones are confirmed in STAND training as well as appropriate young adults .


2016 100 miles along the Eastern Shore!


In an effort to witness, enlighten, and inform visitors of Religious Freedom Walk 2012 blog, this page contains links to articles, websites, and writings which pertain to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the history of and current events/status regarding the HHS MANDATE.

The Pilgrims of RFW 2012 are walking 100 miles in prayer and in penance, and, as witnesses, standing in protest, to the UNJUST LAW of the HHS MANDATE; which coerces and forces Catholic schools, hospitals, and other institutions to include and provide contraceptives, sterilization processes, and other products which have the potential to induce abortions, as part of their health care packages for students and employees.

The HHS MANDATE also forces students and employees to PURCHASE health care packages which contain these products and services.

The use of these products and services are in direct contradiction to the convictions, beliefs, and Teachings of the Catholic Church and all its members. Therefore, to have the government FORCE people of faith to provide and purchase such things is against the United States Constitution which protects each person's RIGHT to practice and express his/her chosen religious faith.

Please click the links below to become further informed and updated on this important issue!

160 Catholic Bishops Speak Out Against HHS Mandate

Special ACTION ALERT from the desk of: Archbishop Chaput

USCCB's Response to a White House Blog Concerning the HHS Mandate


(The last one, above, is, by far, the BEST article I've read on the HHS Mandate, thus far! PLEASE SHARE IT FAR AND WIDE!)